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Grammar Detectives: A Fun Game to Teach Independent and Subordinate Clauses


Grammar Detectives: A Fun Game to Teach Independent and Subordinate Clauses

Grammar Detectives: A Fun Game to Teach Independent and Subordinate Clauses
In today's world, grammar can often be overlooked in favor of other subjects. However, it is important for students to have a strong understanding of grammar to be effective communicators. This fun and interactive game will help students identify independent and subordinate clauses, an essential concept in sentence structure. By playing the role of detectives, students will have a blast while learning about grammar. Follow these steps to create a classroom full of grammar detectives who are able to confidently identify independent and subordinate clauses.


This activity will help students identify and differentiate between independent and subordinate clauses. Through a game-like approach, students will learn to recognize the two types of clauses and understand how they function within a sentence.


  • Identify independent and subordinate clauses
  • Differentiate between the two types of clauses
  • Understand how independent and subordinate clauses function in a sentence


  • Whiteboard and markers or a projector
  • Sentence strips or index cards with sentences written on them
  • Small pieces of paper with "independent" and "subordinate" written on them
  • Stopwatch or timer


  1. Introduce the concept of independent and subordinate clauses. Define each term and give examples.
  2. Divide the class into two teams.
  3. One team will be the "Independent Clause Detectives" and the other team will be the "Subordinate Clause Detectives".
  4. Choose a sentence strip or index card at random and display it to the class.
  5. The two teams will race to identify whether the highlighted clause is independent or subordinate. The first team to correctly identify the type of clause wins a point.
  6. Continue with different sentences until all students have had a chance to participate.
  7. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins.


Observe students' participation and understanding during the game. You can also assign a written activity where students have to identify independent and subordinate clauses in a paragraph.


To extend the activity, have students write their own sentences with independent and subordinate clauses.


  1. For younger students, use simpler sentences with fewer clauses.
  2. Make it a race between individual students instead of teams.
  3. Use a "Jeopardy" style game board with different categories related to grammar and language.


After the game, have a discussion with students about what they learned and what strategies helped them identify independent and subordinate clauses.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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