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Word Origins: Norse Mythology


Word Origins: Norse Mythology

Explore the fascinating word origins from Norse mythology! Learn how ancient tales influence modern English. Perfect for language enthusiasts and students. #GrammarHelp


Ever wondered if the words you use daily have ancient tales behind them? Dive into the intriguing world of Norse mythology and discover how the stories of gods, warriors, and epic sagas have influenced the English language. From the days of the week to common terms, the legacy of Norse legends is all around us. This article, "Word Origins: Norse Mythology," invites linguaphiles and curious minds to explore the roots of English vocabulary through the lens of ancient Norse culture. Join us as we uncover the linguistic gems that connect our everyday speech to the mythical past.

Learning Objectives

In this lesson, you will focus on the following objective: Examining words from Norse myth.

Norse Mythology

Word Origins

Word origins, or etymology, is the history and development of words.


Word Origins

To determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word in a reading passage, break the word into its parts—root, prefix, and suffix. If you recognize the root, you can probably figure out what the word means.

Literature Connection

The angry, noisy Thor was the Norse god of thunder. The English word Thursday (“Thor’s day”) comes from his name.
“The god Thor always resented the disdainful way he had been treated by King Liki of Outgard.”

 —Brian Branston, from “The Stealing of Thor’s Hammer”

Tracing the word origins, or etymology, of this word explains how this Norse name entered our language. Modern English has its roots in the language of the Anglo-Saxons who lived in England in the early Middle Ages. Viking peoples from Denmark and other Scandinavian countries later invaded and settled in England. Terms from the Vikings’ Old Norse language and mythology, like Thor, were assimilated into English.

“The Stealing of Thor’s Hammer” offers other examples of terms from Norse myths that have entered the English language. In the attempt to retrieve his hammer, Thor disguises himself as the beautiful goddess Freya. What day of the week takes its name from hers?

This chart shows the Old Norse origins of some English words.

English Word Old Norse Word
geyser n. a spring that produces jets of water geysa v. to gush; to rush forward
score n. twenty; a group of twenty items; a record mark skor n. notch; twenty
snub v. to rebuke; to neglect or treat rudely  snubba v. to curse

Word Origins: Norse Mythology Quiz

Select the English words below with the meanings of the words from their Norse origins. Use a dictionary if you need help.


In conclusion, the exploration of word origins from Norse mythology reveals a fascinating intersection between ancient culture and modern language. By understanding the etymology of words like "Thursday" and "geyser," we gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of history that influences our everyday communication. This knowledge not only enriches our vocabulary but also connects us to the stories and traditions of the past. As you continue to encounter new words, remember the value of breaking them down into their roots, prefixes, and suffixes to uncover their meanings. Embrace the journey of linguistic discovery and see how the echoes of Norse legends continue to shape our language today.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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