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Words with ie and ei


Words with ie and ei

Words with ie and ei

1. Write ie when the sound is long e, except after c.

The long e sound is what you hear in words such as need, grief, and leaf.
  • i before e
    achieve, piece, siege, thie
  • ei after c
    ceiling, conceive, deceit, receipt

Some exceptions to the rule include the following words: either, neither, leisure, protein.

2. Write ei when the sound is not long e, especially when the sound is long a.

The long a sound is what you hear in words such as gate, braid, sleigh, and bay.
  • ei pronounced ay
    freight, neighbor, rein, weigh

Some exceptions to the rule include the following words: ancient, patience, mischief, friend.


Words with ie and ei tip

The old rhyme “i before e, except after c or when sounded as ay, as in neighbor and weigh” may help you remember these spelling rules. However, there are several exceptions to the rule, so be sure to use a dictionary if you are uncertain about a word’s spelling.

 ie or ei Spelling Quiz

Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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