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Compound Sentences - 6th Grade Grammar


Compound Sentences - 6th Grade Grammar

Compound Sentences - 6th Grade Grammar

Compound Sentences

A compound sentence has two or more complete thoughts about different subjects. 

The coordinating conjunctions and, but, and or can be used to connect the complete thoughts in a compound sentence. 

Use a comma before the conjunction. 

The correlative conjunctions either/or and neither/nor can also be used in a compound sentence. 

  • My brother likes to swim, but I prefer riding my bike.
  • Emily wanted sushi, and her grandfather ordered teriyaki.
  • Emily ordered two kinds of sushi; they both were delicious!
  • The ticket lines for the ferry were long, but the group did not have to wait.
  • They had purchased tickets ahead of time, and their ferry was waiting.
  • The museum at Ellis Island was fascinating; the Statue of Liberty was spectacular!
  • The tourists could come back to Ellis Island the next day, or they could go shopping.
  • I will either go to the museum this weekend, or I'll stay home and catch up on my reading.
  • You can choose either the chocolate cake or the vanilla cupcakes for the party.
  • We can either watch a movie tonight or go for a walk in the park.
  • Neither Sarah nor Alex wants to take the lead in the group project.
  • The restaurant serves neither vegetarian nor vegan options on its menu.
  • They decided that neither the red dress nor the blue dress was the right choice for the event.

Compound Sentences Activity

Combine the sentence pairs to form one sentence. 
My tire was flat. I learned how to fix it.
My tire was flat, but I learned how to fix it.
I asked my father. He showed me how to do it.
I asked my father, and he showed me how to do it.
Now the wheels are fine. The brakes don’t work.
Now the wheels are fine, but the brakes don’t work.
A cable is broken. A bolt is loose.
Either a cable is broken, or a bolt is loose.
We’ll take it to the shop. They’ll fix it tomorrow.
We’ll take it to the shop, and they’ll fix it tomorrow.

Compound Sentences FAQs

Q1: What is a compound sentence in grammar?
A1: A compound sentence consists of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (such as "and," "but," "or") or a semicolon. It combines related ideas into a single sentence.

Q2: How do you connect independent clauses in a compound sentence?
A2: Independent clauses in a compound sentence can be connected using coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) or a semicolon (;). These connectors create a smooth flow between the clauses.

Q3: Can you provide an example of a compound sentence?
A3: Certainly! Here's an example: "She loves to read, and he enjoys playing soccer." In this sentence, the two independent clauses are joined by the coordinating conjunction "and."

Q4: What's the purpose of using compound sentences?
A4: Compound sentences add variety and complexity to writing. They allow writers to express related thoughts more effectively, creating a stronger connection between ideas.

Q5: Are there rules for punctuating compound sentences?
A5: Yes, proper punctuation is essential. When using a coordinating conjunction, place a comma before it. Example: "I studied for the test, but I forgot my textbook." If using a semicolon, make sure both clauses are independent and related.

Q6: Can a compound sentence have more than two independent clauses?
A6: Yes, it's possible to have a compound sentence with more than two independent clauses. Each clause should be separated by a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon, depending on the writer's intent.

Q7: What's the difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence?
A7: A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses, while a complex sentence has an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Compound sentences emphasize the relationship between two or more complete thoughts.

Q8: How can I use compound sentences in my writing effectively?
A8: To use compound sentences effectively, ensure that the independent clauses are closely related and that the conjunction choice suits the context. They can help vary sentence structure and make your writing more engaging.

Q9: Can I use compound sentences in creative writing?
A9: Absolutely! Compound sentences add depth and rhythm to creative writing. They allow you to connect ideas, create tension, and convey complex relationships between characters or events.

Q10: Are there resources available to practice compound sentences?
A10: Yes, there are various online grammar exercises and worksheets designed to help you practice creating compound sentences. These resources offer interactive activities to reinforce your understanding of this grammar concept.


  1. "Grammar, Grades 6 - 8: 100+ Reproducible Activities" by Mark Pennington
    This book offers a variety of grammar activities, including compound sentences, to help middle school students strengthen their language skills.
  2. "Evan-Moor Daily 6-Trait Writing, Grade 6"
    While not exclusively focused on compound sentences, this book covers various writing skills, including sentence structure, that are essential for building effective compound sentences.
  3. "Harcourt Grammar Practice Book, Grade 6" by Harcourt School Publishers
    This workbook provides comprehensive grammar exercises, including compound sentences, suitable for 6th-grade students.
  4. "Scholastic Success with Grammar, Grade 6" by Scholastic
    Scholastic's workbook series offers exercises and explanations for various grammar topics, including compound sentences.
  5. "Easy Grammar: Grade 6" by Wanda C. Phillips
    This book focuses on teaching grammar concepts in a simplified way, making it a good resource for introducing compound sentences to 6th-grade students.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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