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"Used to," "Be Used To," and "Get Used To": What's the Difference?


"Used to," "Be Used To," and "Get Used To": What's the Difference?

"Used to," "Be Used To," and "Get Used To": What's the Difference?

These three phrases sound similar, but they have different meanings and uses in English grammar. Here's a quick lesson to help you learn them:

Used to

  • Refers to habits or states that were true in the past but are no longer true in the present.
  • Examples:
    I used to play the piano when I was a child. (Playing piano was a habit.)
    She used to play basketball for the local team, but she’s too old now.
    That blue house over there used to belong to my family.
  • Structure: Subject + used to + infinitive verb

Be used to

  • Refers to being accustomed or familiar with something.
  • Examples:
    She is used to living in a big city.
    He is used to the city now and doesn't get lost anymore.
    She wasn't used to walking so much and her legs hurt after the hike.
    I'm an orator, so I am used to speaking in public.
  • Structure: Subject + be + used to + noun/gerund

Get used to

  • Refers to the process of becoming accustomed or familiar with something.
  • Examples:
    He is getting used to his new job.
    I am finding this new job hard, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon.
    It took my father years to get used to living in Egypt after moving from London.
    I'm getting used to the noise now. I found it really stressful when I first moved in.
  • Structure: Subject + be + getting used to + noun/gerund

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips:
  • "Used to" is always followed by an infinitive verb (without "to").
  • "Be used to" and "get used to" can be followed by either a noun or a gerund (verb ending in "-ing").
  • "Be used to" is typically used in the present and past tenses, while "get used to" can be used in all tenses.
You can avoid confusing these commonly misused phrases by understanding these simple rules. You can also improve your English grammar by visiting our website as a daily habit.

Try using "Used to," "Be Used To," and "Get Used To" in a sentence of your own to improve your grammar.


What is the correct way to say "used to"?
The correct expression is "used to" with a "d" at the end. This form is used to describe actions or states that were regular in the past but no longer occur.

How do you use "used to" in a sentence?
"Used to" is placed before the base form of a verb to indicate a habitual action or state from the past that has since changed. For example: "I used to go for a walk every morning."

Which is correct: "use" or "used" in the context of expressing past habits?
"Used" is the correct form when expressing past habits or states. It signifies that the action or state was consistent in the past but is no longer true. For example, saying "I used to read a lot" is correct.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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