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Creative Activities for Teaching Subject-Verb Agreement


Creative Activities for Teaching Subject-Verb Agreement

Creative Activities for Teaching Subject-Verb Agreement


Teaching grammar, particularly subject-verb agreement, is a critical aspect of enhancing language proficiency in high school students. It forms the backbone of clear and effective communication in English, ensuring that students can express their ideas accurately and fluently. However, grammar lessons, especially on topics like subject-verb agreement, can sometimes be perceived as dry or challenging by students. To address this, it is essential to introduce innovative and interactive teaching strategies that not only clarify this fundamental grammatical rule but also engage students in a way that is both enjoyable and educational.

This article outlines five creative activities designed for 11th-grade students to reinforce their understanding of subject-verb agreement. Each activity is aligned with the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and offers a unique approach to learning this essential aspect of English grammar. From hands-on group exercises to technology-integrated tasks, these activities cater to diverse learning styles and aim to make grammar lessons more dynamic and impactful. Whether it's through sentence sorting, online quizzes, relay races, storytelling, or creating interactive posters, these activities provide teachers with practical and engaging ways to teach subject-verb agreement in a classroom setting. Let's explore these innovative methods to enhance students' grammatical skills and foster a more engaging learning environment.

Activity 1: Sentence Sort

Objective: To identify and correct subject-verb agreement errors

Materials:- Sentences with subject-verb agreement errors- Index cards or sticky notes


1. Prepare a set of sentences with subject-verb agreement errors. Write each sentence on an index card or sticky note.

2. Divide the class into small groups.

3. Distribute the sentence cards to each group.

4. Instruct the groups to identify the subject-verb agreement errors in the sentences and rewrite them with the correct agreement.

5. Once the groups have completed the task, have them share their corrected sentences and explain their rationale for each correction.

Common Core State Standards:- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.11-12.1.C: Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing or presentations.

Activity 2: Technology-Based Quiz

Objective: To reinforce subject-verb agreement rules using technology

Materials:- Computers/tablets with internet access- Online quiz platforms (e.g., Kahoot, Quizizz)


1. Introduce the concept of subject-verb agreement to the students.

2. Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a computer/tablet.

3. Instruct the groups to access an online quiz platform and search for subject-verb agreement quizzes.

4. Each group should complete the quiz, discussing the correct answers and explanations.

5. As a whole class, review the quiz questions and answers, addressing any misconceptions or questions.

Common Core State Standards:- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.11-12.1.B: Resolve issues of complex or contested usage, consulting references (e.g., Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage, Garner's Modern American Usage) as needed.


Activity 3: Error Correction Relay

Objective: To practice identifying and correcting subject-verb agreement errors within a timed context

Materials:- Worksheets with sentences containing subject-verb agreement errors (one per student)- Timer


1. Create a worksheet with sentences that contain subject-verb agreement errors. Make enough copies for each student.

2. Divide the class into teams.

3. Assign a starting point and a designated area for each team.

4. Each team should have a runner who goes to the designated area to receive the error correction worksheet.

5. Set a timer for a specific interval (e.g., 2 minutes).

6. The runner brings the worksheet back to the team, and together they identify and correct the errors within the given time frame.

7. The runner then returns the corrected worksheet to the designated area and grabs the next worksheet.8. Repeat the process until all worksheets have been completed or until the timer runs out.9. Declare the team with the most accurate and corrected worksheets as the winner.

Common Core State Standards:- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.11-12.2.A: Apply the understanding that usage is a matter of convention, can change over time, and is sometimes contested.

Activity 4: Subject-Verb Agreement Story

Objective: To create a story incorporating proper subject-verb agreement

Materials:- Index cards or small slips of paper- Writing materials (pens, pencils)


1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Distribute index cards or small slips of paper to each group.

3. Instruct each group to write one sentence on each card, making sure to use proper subject-verb agreement.

4. Once each group has written their sentences, have them exchange their cards with another group.

5. Each group should use the received sentences as the basis for creating a short story, adding their own connecting sentences.

6. Encourage creativity in their stories while ensuring subject-verb agreement is maintained.

7. Once completed, each group can share their story with the class.

Common Core State Standards:- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.11-12.1.A: Apply the understanding that the conventions of standard English grammar and usage are not arbitrary, but rather are consistent with many other language and writing conventions.

Activity 5: Interactive Subject-Verb Agreement Poster

Objective: To create an interactive poster illustrating subject-verb agreement rules

Materials:- Large poster paper- Markers- Sticky notes- Scotch tape


1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a large poster paper and markers.

3. Instruct each group to create an interactive poster illustrating subject-verb agreement rules.

4. Each group should include examples of correct subject-verb agreement as well as commonly made errors.

5. Encourage the use of colorful visuals, charts, and diagrams to enhance understanding.6. Once the posters are completed, hang them around the classroom.

7. Give each student a few sticky notes and allow them to write down subject-verb agreement rules or examples they find challenging. They can place these sticky notes on the corresponding poster.

8. Periodically, review the interactive posters as a class, discussing the challenges and reinforcing the correct rules.

Common Core State Standards:- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.11-12.3: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.

Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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