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Sentence Combining - 5th Grade Grammar


Sentence Combining - 5th Grade Grammar

Sentence Combining - 5th Grade Grammar

Sentence Combining

Sentence combining is reducing two or more simple sentences into one sentence. 

Two simple sentences about the same subject can be combined into one compound sentence. They can also be combined with a compound predicate

Coordinating conjunctions join two words or word groups of the same grammatical rank or importance (e.g., two nouns, two independent clauses). The coordinating conjunctions and, but, and or can be used to create a compound sentence

The correlative conjunctions either/or and neither/nor can be used to combine sentences.

Subordinating conjunctions tell where, when, why, or how. Some common subordinating conjunctions are after, although, as, because, before, if, since, so that, until, when, and while.

Compound Sentences

A simple sentence has only one complete thought. A compound sentence has two or more complete thoughts about different subjects.

The coordinating conjunctions and, but, and or can be used to connect the complete thoughts in a compound sentence.
The correlative conjunctions either/or and neither/nor can also be used in a compound sentence.
        My mother exercises every day. (simple sentence) 
        My mother runs every day, but my father rides his bike. (compound sentence) 
        Either we stay here, or we head home. (compound sentence)
        Nina kicked the ball. Nina scored. The crowd cheered. (simple sentences) 
        Nina kicked the ball and scored, and the crowd cheered.(compound sentence)

Complex Sentences

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains two related clauses joined by a conjunction other than and, but, or or. 
        We built our fort where we could see the river.

Subordinating conjunctions can appear at the beginning or in the middle of a complex sentence. If the sentence begins with a subordinating conjunction, a comma should follow the last word of the dependent clause
        When spring is near, I hang a new bird feeder in the tree. 
        I hang a new bird feeder in the tree when spring is near.

How to Punctuate Compound and Complex Sentences? 

Use a comma before a conjunction to separate two independent clauses in compound sentences
        It’s supposed to rain today, but I don’t see any clouds in the sky. 

In complex sentences that begin with dependent clauses, add a comma after the last word of the dependent clause. 
        After the soccer game ended, we heard thunder.

Common Errors in Sentence Combining

When combining sentences, it is important to avoid making common errors. Here are a few of the most common errors:

  1. Fragments: A fragment is an incomplete sentence. It is missing a subject, a verb, or both. For example, the sentence "The dog ran" is a fragment because it is missing a subject.
  2. Run-on sentences: A run-on sentence is two or more sentences that are joined together without any punctuation or conjunctions. For example, the sentence "The dog ran and the cat chased him" is a run-on sentence because it is two sentences joined together with no punctuation or conjunctions.
  3. Comma splices: A comma splice is a sentence that is made up of two independent clauses that are joined together with only a comma. For example, the sentence "The dog ran, the cat chased him" is a comma splice because it is two independent clauses joined together with only a comma.
To avoid these errors, it is important to make sure that each sentence you write is complete and that you use the correct punctuation and conjunctions to join sentences together.

Here are some tips for avoiding common errors in sentence combining:

  1. Identify the subject and verb of each sentence. Make sure that each sentence you write has a subject and a verb.
  2. Use transition words to connect the ideas in your sentences. Transition words can help to make your sentences more logical and easier to understand.
  3. Use parallel structure to make your sentences more concise and easier to read. Parallel structure means using the same grammatical structure for all of the clauses in a sentence.
  4. Vary your sentence structure to keep your writing interesting. Don't use the same sentence structure over and over again.
  5. Proofread your work carefully to catch any errors. It is always a good idea to proofread your work carefully before submitting it.

Sentence Combining Activity - 5th Grade Grammar

Read the student draft and look for any corrections that need to be made. Then select the best answer to each question.

Benefits of Sentence Combining for Grade 5 Students

Sentence combining is a powerful writing strategy that can help grade 5 students improve their writing in a number of ways. Here are some of the benefits of sentence combining:

  • Improved clarity: Sentence combining can help students to write more clearly by eliminating unnecessary words and phrases. This can make their writing easier to understand for both the reader and the writer.
  • Improved conciseness: Sentence combining can help students to write more concisely by combining multiple sentences into one. This can make their writing more efficient and easier to read.
  • Improved style: Sentence combining can help students to develop a more sophisticated writing style by using a variety of sentence structures and transition words. This can make their writing more interesting and engaging for the reader.
In addition to these benefits, sentence combining can also help students to improve their grammar and punctuation skills. This is because sentence combining requires students to identify the subject and verb of each sentence, as well as the correct punctuation to use when joining sentences together.

Overall, sentence combining is a valuable writing strategy that can help grade 5 students improve their writing in a number of ways. If you are a grade 5 student, I encourage you to try sentence combining and see how it can help you improve your writing.

Here are some additional tips for using sentence combining effectively:

  • Start with simple sentences. When you are first learning how to combine sentences, it is helpful to start with simple sentences that are easy to understand. Once you have mastered the basics, you can then move on to more complex sentences.
  • Use transition words. Transition words can help to connect the ideas in your sentences and make your writing more logical and easier to understand.
  • Vary your sentence structure. Don't use the same sentence structure over and over again. This will make your writing more interesting and engaging for the reader.
  • Proofread your work carefully. It is always a good idea to proofread your work carefully before submitting it. This will help you to catch any errors in grammar or punctuation.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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