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Noun Suffixes


Noun Suffixes

Unlock the power of noun suffixes to boost your vocabulary skills! Learn how suffixes transform words with our comprehensive guide. #VocabularySkills #GrammarHelp


Have you ever wondered how a single tweak to a word can completely change its meaning? Enter the world of noun suffixes! These tiny word parts pack a powerful punch, turning verbs and adjectives into nouns with ease. Whether you're a student eager to boost your vocabulary skills or a teacher aiming to enrich your classroom lessons, understanding noun suffixes is key. In this article, "Noun Suffixes," we'll delve into the magic of these linguistic tools, exploring how they can help you unlock new dimensions in your writing and reading. Let's embark on this journey to enhance your vocabulary skills and make your words work harder for you!

Learning Objectives

In this lesson, you will focus on the following objective:
Vocabulary: Using suffixes to form nouns.

Noun Suffixes

A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a word.
A noun suffix is a word part that, when added to a noun or another part of speech, changes the noun to a new noun and the other part of speech to a noun.

Literature Connection
You may recognize the word information without realizing that it is a noun formed from a verb.
“But new information has got to get out, and there are several ways to do it.”

 —Toni Morrison, from “Thoughts on the African-American Novel”

The suffix -ation turns the verb inform into a noun. Noun suffixes change nouns into new nouns and other parts of speech into nouns. Knowing noun suffixes can help you determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Common Noun Suffixes

Suffix Meaning Base word or word root Example
-ee receiver of action train trainee
-ance, -ence state, quality relevant
-ant, -eer agent, doer contest

-ist, -tist one who does, makes, or studies cycle
-ment result, condition accomplish accomplishment
-ness action, state bright brightness
-tion, -ion the act of prosecute prosecution

  • When you see a noun, determine whether it has a noun suffix.
    Morrison feels disappointment about some critics’ reactions. 

  • When a noun has a suffix, identify the root or base word.
    Morrison wants her readers to participate in her novels. The participation of readers adds a new dimension to the books.

Noun Suffixes َQuiz

From the table above, choose a suffix that changes each word below to a noun. Write each complete word. (A final letter in a base word may be dropped before a suffix is added. A y at the end of a word may change to i.)
  1. considerate 
  2. celebrate 
  3. accomplish 
  4. punctuate 
  5. novel 
  6. congregate 
  7. descend 
  8. fragrant 
  9. construct
  10. kind 

Answer Key

  1. consideration 
  2. celebration 
  3. accomplishment 
  4. punctuation 
  5. novelist 
  6. congregation  
  7. descendant 
  8. fragrance 
  9. construction 
  10. kindness


Mastering noun suffixes can significantly elevate your vocabulary skills, allowing you to express yourself more clearly and accurately. By understanding how suffixes transform words, you can better decipher unfamiliar terms and use them effectively in your writing. Keep practicing and exploring these linguistic tools, and soon, you'll find that your command of language has reached new heights. Remember, every suffix adds a layer of meaning and complexity to your vocabulary. Happy learning, and may your words always be precise and powerful!
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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