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6 Key Elements of a Good Lesson Plan


Six Key Elements of a Good Lesson Plan

6 Key Elements of a Good Lesson Plan


Thoughtful lesson planning is one of the most important skills teachers need to develop. While experience will help you create effective lessons more easily, all teachers should understand the key components that go into a successful lesson plan. Having a solid framework keeps your instruction organized and focused on clear objectives.

In this article, I'll outline the 6 essential elements that should be included in every effective lesson plan at all grade levels. Mastering these key components will help you design engaging, purposeful lessons that maximize student learning. Whether you're just starting out in the classroom or looking to improve your existing plans, incorporating these 6 key elements will lead to more productive classes.
The 6 key elements we'll cover are:
  1. objectives
  2. timing
  3. sequencing
  4. differentiation
  5. assessment
  6. material
With detailed examples and tips for each element, this article will help teachers thoughtfully incorporate the building blocks of an impactful lesson. Thoughtful planning leads to effective execution. Read on to learn how to craft lesson plans that cover all the bases for student success!




Sequencing describes what will happen during the lesson, the order in which it happens, and how you will transition between activities and to the next lesson. You have to consider in mind these two questions. When is the best time to do an activity? What is a logical but meaningful way to organize the lesson?

You may follow this sequence.

warm up > introduction> presentation> activities> evaluation> application 

direct guidance >>>>>>>>> learners have more independence


Timing means that the lesson plan includes an estimated time for each activity. Initially, you may have trouble accurately estimating how much time any given activity will take. However, planning an approximate time for activities, and even writing the time into your lesson plan, is still a good idea.

Differentiated teaching occurs when a teacher plans a lesson that adjusts either the content being discussed, the process used to learn, or the product expected from students to ensure that learners at different starting points can receive the instruction they need to grow and succeed. In other words, differentiating instruction may mean teaching the same material to all students using a variety of instructional strategies, or it may require the teacher to deliver lessons at varying levels of difficulty based on the ability of each student. You may also use individual work, pair work, or group work.


The assessment given at the end of a lesson is typically a test, but it can also be an essay or a project where the students perform on their own without any guidance from the teacher. How students perform on this assessment tells you how successful your lesson was and if the lesson needs to be re-designed.


Common types of lesson materials include student handouts, textbooks, and visual aids.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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