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Sentences - Grade 2



children engaging with bold and bright sentence examples for English grammar essentials in Grade 2


Ever wondered why words need to band together like best friends on a playground? Welcome to the dazzling world of sentences! Imagine each sentence as a fun ride - the kind that sweeps you off your feet with excitement. That's what sentences do with our thoughts, they give them the ride of expression! Perfect for curious minds in Grade 2, and a helpful refresher for anyone venturing into the realm of grammar, this article will be your guide to mastering the merry-go-round of sentence construction.


Sentences are groups of words that express a complete thought. Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark like a period, question mark, or exclamation point

Let's look at some examples of complete sentences:
  • The dog ran through the yard. (This is a statement that tells us something.)
  • Where is my book? (This is a question.)
  • Hurry up! (This is an exclamation expressing strong emotion.) 

Sentences Practice

Now it's your turn! Let's practice identifying if some groups of words are complete sentences or fragments:
  1. The cat purring loudly 
    Is this a complete sentence? Yes or no?______  
  2. Go to sleep!
    Complete sentence? Yes or no? ______
  3. Do you want to play basketball?
    Complete sentence? Yes or no? ______
Great job! Let's go over the answers:
  1. No (this is a fragment - missing the action)
  2. Yes  
  3. Yes
Understanding different types of sentences and what makes them complete is a key reading and writing skill. Let me know if you need any clarification or want to practice more!

Sentences Activities

Now it's your turn again! Let's have some fun!

    Activity 1

    Activity 2




    And there you have it, young scholars! You've just taken a thrilling leap into the universe of sentences. Remember, every grand story or captivating conversation begins with these building blocks of expression. Keep practicing, and soon, you'll be a sentence superhero, saving the day one complete thought at a time. Until our next grammatical adventure, keep those capital letters high and those punctuation marks mighty!
    Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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