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Periods - 6th Grade Grammar


Periods - 6th Grade Grammar

Periods - 6th Grade grammar

Welcome to the world of punctuation where the smallest marks can make the biggest difference! In this article titled “Periods - 6th Grade Grammar,” we’re going to explore the humble period, a fundamental element of English writing that often goes unnoticed yet holds great power in our communication. Designed specifically for 6th graders, this piece will guide you through the proper use of periods, helping you understand how this tiny dot at the end of a sentence can command such great pause and clarity. Whether it’s concluding a statement, adding the final touch to abbreviations, or navigating the intricacies of its placement, by the end of this article, you’ll see periods in a whole new light. So, grab your pencils, and let’s punctuate our way to clearer writing! 📝✨


  1. A statement (a declarative sentence) is followed by a period. EXAMPLE Charles Drew was a famous scientist and doctor.
  2. A request or command (an imperative sentence) is followed by either a period or an exclamation point. EXAMPLES Please don’t walk on the new grass. 
    Get your dog out of my garden!
  3. Many abbreviations are followed by a period. Abbreviate given names only if the person is most commonly known by the abbreviated form of the name. EXAMPLES Booker T.Washington Susan B. Anthony N. Scott Momaday

Periods Quiz - 6th Grade Grammar

Select the appropriate end mark for each of the following sentences.

FAQs: Navigating the World of Periods in Grammar

Q: What is the period rule in grammar?
Think of a period as the stop sign in the world of grammar. It tells you when a sentence has come to a full stop. You'll see it doing its thing at the end of statements, politely indicating that it's time to take a breath before moving on to the next sentence. It's the dot at the end of this very sentence, marking the end of a thought.

Q: What are the rules for using periods in sentences?
A: Periods are like the punctual friends in your life; they always show up right at the end of a complete thought. Use them to cap off sentences that are declarative or give information. They're not into drama, so you won't find them after questions or exclamations. Remember, one period per sentence is enough to do the trick.

Q: Can you provide examples of sentences with periods?
A: Sure thing! Here’s a simple one: "I love reading books." This sentence states a complete thought and ends with a period. Here's another: "He walked his dog in the park." Again, a complete idea finished with a period. They’re like the mic drop of grammar.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid with period usage?
A: Great question! Avoid putting periods in the middle of sentences; it's like pausing a movie right at the climax. Also, don't use them after question marks or exclamation points – that’s like wearing socks with sandals. And remember, they’re not decorations, so no need to sprinkle them randomly in your writing. Stick to one period at the end of a sentence, and you're golden.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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