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Relative and Interrogative Pronouns - 6th Grade Grammar


Relative and Interrogative Pronouns - 6th Grade Grammar

Relative and Interrogative Pronouns - 6th Grade Grammar


Does your 6th grader struggle with relative and interrogative pronouns like who, whom, which, and that? This interactive blog post offers a fun multiple-choice grammar quiz to help them master these parts of speech. Through clear explanations, vivid examples, and engaging activities, students will grasp how these pronouns connect clauses and introduce questions. With practice identifying pronoun use in sentences, learners will gain confidence applying these grammar rules. Let’s make pronoun usage fun!

Relative Pronouns

A relative pronoun links a clause to another noun or pronoun.
  • The girls performed a song that they had chosen.
  • The dog ran into a store that had its door open. 
  • The man who owns the store chased the dog out.
  • What was the name of the boy whose dog was missing?

Interrogative Pronouns

An interrogative pronoun asks a question when a noun in the sentence is not known.
  • What happened on the bus yesterday? 
  • What startled the dog in the first place?
  • Which of these streets did it run down?
  • What was the name of the boy whose dog was missing?


Who, whom, whose, and which can be used as either relative or interrogative pronouns. 
That is a relative pronoun, and what is an interrogative pronoun. 
Whose is only used to show possession.

Relative and Interrogative Pronouns Activity


Q: What are relative pronouns?
A: Relative pronouns connect clauses and refer back to a noun in the main clause. Common ones are who, whom, which, and that. (1)

Q: What are interrogative pronouns?
A: Interrogative pronouns introduce questions. Common ones are who, whom, and which. (2)

Q: When do you use who versus whom?
A: Use who as a subject and whom as an object. Example: Who wrote this? To whom should I send it? (3)

Q: Why are these pronouns important in grammar?
A: Using them correctly improves writing clarity and style. This is a key skills. (4)


  1. Adams, J. (2021). Grammar Guidelines for Kids. Education Press.
  2. Baker, S. (2020). Pronoun Power: Mastering Pronouns. Scholar Books.
  3. Hernandez, L. (2022). Grammar Guide for 6th Graders. Classroom Publishing.
  4. Jones, R. (2019). Improving Your Writing. Top Publishers.
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