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Demonstrative Adjectives - 6th Grade Grammar


Demonstrative Adjectives - 6th Grade Grammar

Master demonstrative adjectives in 6th Grade Grammar! Learn how to use "this," "that," "these," and "those" for clear communication. #GrammarHelp #Adjectives


Imagine you're in a bustling market, trying to buy the freshest produce or the most unique trinkets. How do you specify which items you want? The answer lies in the power of demonstrative adjectives. These handy words help you point out exactly what you're referring to, making your communication clear and precise. Whether you're a 6th-grade student eager to master grammar or a teacher looking to make grammar lessons engaging, understanding demonstrative adjectives is essential. In this article, "Demonstrative Adjectives - 6th Grade Grammar," we'll delve into how these words can enhance your sentences and make your descriptions more vivid. Let's explore the world of demonstrative adjectives and elevate your grammar skills!

Demonstrative Adjectives

What is an adjective?

An adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun or pronoun. 

What do demonstrative adjectives do?

Demonstrative Adjectives point out things. 

What are demonstrative adjectives and how do they function in a sentence?

Demonstrative adjectives, such as this, that, these, and those, tell which one or which ones

How do you use "this" and "that" to point out people or things at different distances?

Use this to point out a nearby person or thing. 
Use that to point out a person or thing that is farther away.
        This cat is mine. 
        This is mine. 
        That cat is hers. 
        That is hers.

How do you use "these" and "those" to indicate multiple people or things at different distances?

Use these to point out two or more nearby people or things. 
Use those to point out two or more people or things farther away.
        These boys have been crying for a while. 
        These are mine. 
        Those girls in the nursery have been smiling for hours. 
        Those books are suitable for you.
Extra Examples:
        This is a big number.
        That man really loves the comic book store.
        These oranges are ready to be eaten.
        Those words are hard.
        This show is amazing. 
        That English worksheet is easy.
        These red objects indicate something creepy.
        Those signs may indicate words from the Arabic language.

How do demonstrative adjectives change when they take the place of nouns, and what do they become?

Demonstrative adjectives can also take the place of nouns. When they do, they become demonstrative pronouns
        This is Amira’s lunch bag.
        This quiz is easy for us. 
        Have you seen this
        These are Math worksheets. 
        Do they like these results? 
        That is amazing! 
        Look at that object. 
        Those were my neighbors. 
        Can you see those animals?

Demonstrative Adjectives Activity - 6th Grade Grammar

Select the proper demonstrative adjective to complete the sentence.


Mastering demonstrative adjectives can significantly improve your grammar and make your communication more effective. By understanding how to use "this," "that," "these," and "those" correctly, you can add clarity and precision to your sentences. Keep practicing with the examples and activities provided, and revisit this guide whenever you need a refresher. Remember, consistent practice and application are key to mastering grammar. Happy learning, and may your demonstrative adjectives always point you in the right direction!
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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