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Sinai Liberation Day Worksheets


Sinai Liberation Day Worksheets

Sinai Liberation Day is a commemoration of the restoration of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt on April 25, 1982, after years of Israeli occupation. This day celebrates the regaining of Egyptian sovereignty over the region.

Sinai Liberation Day is a commemoration of the restoration of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt on April 25, 1982, after years of Israeli occupation. This day celebrates the regaining of Egyptian sovereignty over the region.

Glossary for Sinai Liberation Day :

  1. Sinai Peninsula - A peninsula in the northeastern part of Egypt, located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.
  2. Occupation - The act of occupying or the state of being occupied by military or other controlling force.
  3. Sovereignty - The full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies.
  4. Restoration - The act of returning something to its original or unimpaired condition.
  5. Liberation - The act of freeing someone or something from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression.
  6. Commemoration - The act of commemorating an important event, person, or achievement.
  7. Autonomy - The right of self-government or the degree of self-governing control over one's own affairs.
  8. Strategic - Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.
  9. Symbolic - Representing or denoting something abstract through the use of symbols or conventions.
  10. National Pride - A feeling of pride and attachment to one's country or nation.

Sinai Liberation Day Worksheets

Fill in the Blank: 

Fill in the blank with the correct words.

  1. The Sinai Liberation Day marks the ____ of the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.
  2. In ____, the Sinai Peninsula was returned to Egyptian control.
  3. This day symbolizes the restoration of ____ over the region.
  4. The Sinai ____ Day commemorates the end of the Israeli occupation of the Sinai territory. 
  5. Celebrating this national holiday allows Egyptians to express their ____ in regaining this important part of their country.

Word bank: sovereignty, restoration, April 25, Sinai Peninsula, Egyptian control, Liberation, pride

Multiple Choice Questions: 

Choose the correct answer from the choices for each question.

  1. When did Sinai Liberation Day take place?
    A. January 1
    B. April 25
    C. July 4
    D. November 11
  2. What event does Sinai Liberation Day commemorate?
    A. Independence from colonial rule
    B. Restoration of the Sinai Desert
    C. Return of Sinai Peninsula to Egypt
    D. Formation of the Suez Canal
  3. Who previously occupied the Sinai Peninsula before its liberation?
    A. Jordan
    B. Israel
    C. Saudi Arabia
    D. Iran
  4. What does sovereignty refer to in the context of Sinai Liberation Day?
    A. Independence and autonomy
    B. Economic stability
    C. Military expansion
    D. Cultural diversity
  5. Why is Sinai Liberation Day significant for Egypt?
    A. Marks the beginning of winter
    B. Adds a new public holiday
    C. Restores national pride and territory
    D. Celebrates a famous victory

Open Ended Questions: 

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

  1. Explain the historical background leading to the Sinai Liberation Day.
  2. Describe the importance of regaining control over the Sinai Peninsula for Egypt.
  3. How is Sinai Liberation Day celebrated in present times?

Answer Key:

Fill in the Blank:

  1. restoration
  2. April 25
  3. sovereignty
  4. Liberation
  5. pride

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. B. April 25
  2. C. Return of Sinai Peninsula to Egypt
  3. B. Israel
  4. A. Independence and autonomy
  5. C. Restores national pride and territory

Open Ended Questions:

  1. Answers will vary but should mention events leading to the Israeli occupation and subsequent liberation.
  2. Answers will vary but should discuss the strategic and symbolic significance of the Sinai Peninsula for Egypt.
  3. Answers will vary; students may mention parades, speeches, or events honoring the day.

Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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