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Pronoun Detective: A Game on Indefinite Pronouns in Agreement


Pronoun Detective: A Game on Indefinite Pronouns in Agreement

Pronoun Detective: A Game on Indefinite Pronouns in Agreement

Indefinite pronouns can be challenging for students when it comes to pronoun-antecedent agreement. However, teaching this concept doesn't have to be dull and repetitive. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to the Pronoun Detective game, which will turn learning about indefinite pronoun agreement into an exciting detective adventure. This game will help your students develop their critical thinking and communication skills while mastering grammar concepts. Join us on a mission to solve pronoun mysteries!


Indefinite pronouns, such as "everyone" and "nobody," can be confusing when it comes to pronoun-antecedent agreement. To make learning this concept more engaging and fun, we've created the Pronoun Detective game. This game will turn students into detectives who need to identify and correct pronoun-antecedent agreement errors with indefinite pronouns.


  • To identify and use indefinite pronouns in agreement.
  • To develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • To enhance collaboration and communication skills.


  • Pronoun Detective game cards (virtual or physical)
  • Game pieces
  • Dice
  • Timer
  • Whiteboard and markers (optional)


  1. Divide students into groups of 2-4 players.
  2. Introduce the game rules and objectives.
  3. Assign a starting point for each group on the game board.
  4. Roll the dice to determine which group goes first.
  5. The first group draws a game card and reads the sentence aloud.
  6. The group identifies the indefinite pronoun and determines if the pronoun-antecedent agreement is correct or incorrect.
  7. If the agreement is incorrect, the group must correct the sentence by replacing the pronoun with the correct form.
  8. If the group answers correctly, they get to roll the dice again and move their game piece to the next square.
  9. If the group answers incorrectly, they lose their turn, and play passes to the next group.
  10. The game continues until one group reaches the finish line.

To extend the activity, have students write their own sentences using indefinite pronouns and ask their group to identify the agreement errors.


Assessment will be based on the accuracy of each group's answers and their ability to identify and correct pronoun-antecedent agreement errors. Teachers can also assess students' collaboration and communication skills during the game.


To extend the activity, teachers can assign a writing task where students need to write a paragraph or short story that demonstrates their understanding of indefinite pronouns in agreement.


To add variety to the game, teachers can:

  • Increase the difficulty level of the sentences.
  • Change the game board to a different theme, such as sports or animals.
  • Play the game as a whole class with a larger game board.


At the end of the game, teachers can ask students to reflect on what they have learned about indefinite pronouns in agreement. They can also share their favorite parts of the game and suggest any improvements.

Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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