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Short i - 1st Grade Phonics


Short i1st Grade Phonics

Short i - Grade 1

The letter i stands for the short i sound you hear in pin

Short i is a vowel sound that is commonly taught in Grade 1. It is a short and crisp sound pronounced in words like "sit," "lid," and "win." Students learn to distinguish the sound of short i from other vowel sounds and practice reading and writing words that contain this sound. They also learn how to blend short i words together to form sentences and gain fluency in reading. Teachers use various instructional strategies and materials to teach short i, including phonics lessons, word sorts, and decodable texts. By the end of Grade 1, students are expected to have a solid understanding of the short i sound and its corresponding letter(s) in the English language.


Short i Activity - 1st Grade Phonics

Say each picture name. Select the word that names each picture.


Q: What sound does short i make?
A: The short i vowel makes the "ih" sound as in words like "sit," "hip," and "miss."

Q: What are some common short i words?
A: Some common short i words are "in," "is," "it," "fin," "rim," "chip," "quit," "kitten," and "picnic."

Q: How can you remember how to spell short i words?
A: A helpful trick is remembering short i makes the "ih" sound, while long i makes the "eye" sound as in "kite."

Q: What are some short i word families?
A: Useful short i word families include -it words like "sit," -ill words like "fill," -ick words like "kick," and -in words like "twin."

Q: How can you use short i words in sentences?
A: Short i words can be used in simple sentences like "The kid will sit in the tent" and "Kim skips and grins."


  1. Rieben, Laurence. "Effects of Training on the Segmentation of Words: A Longitudinal Study in First Grade." Reading and Writing 7.3 (1995): 295-318.
  2. Ehri, Linnea C., et al. "Systematic Phonics Instruction Helps Students Learn to Read: Evidence from the National Reading Panel's Meta-Analysis." Review of Educational Research 71.3 (2001): 393-447.
  3. Savage, R., Carless, S., & Ferraro, V. (2007). Predicting Curriculum and Test Performance at Age 11 Years from Pupil Background, Baseline Skills and Phonological Awareness at Age 5 Years. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48(7), 732–739.
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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