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Run-On Sentences - 6th Grade Grammar


Run-On Sentences - Grade 6

A blog post that teaches 6th graders the definition and examples of run-on sentences, and how to correct them using different methods such as punctuation, conjunctions, and sentence splitting.


Run-On Sentences: What They Are and How to Fix Them in 6th Grade Grammar

A run-on sentence contains two or more independent clauses without the proper conjunctions or punctuation.

A comma splice joins two independent clauses without using a conjunction. 
  • I heard a noise I called the police, they came quickly.

How to Fix Run-On Sentences?

Here are 4 Different Ways to Fix Run-On Sentences

Break the independent clauses into separate sentences.

  • I heard a noise. I called the police. They came quickly.

Create a compound subject or compound predicate.

  • I heard a noise and called the police. They came quickly.

Create a compound sentence using coordinating conjunctions.

  • I heard a noise. I called the police, and they came quickly.

Create a complex sentence using subordinating conjunctions.

  • When I heard a noise, I called the police, and they came quickly.


Improve Your Grammar Skills by Identifying and Correcting Run-On Sentences in 6th Grade

Run-On Sentences Airplane (Interactive Game)

Run-On Sentences (PDF Worksheet)

Run-On Sentences Quizizz Quiz

Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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