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Emotions Simple Illustration Flashcard Sheets


 Emotions Simple Illustration Flashcard Sheets

These Emotions Flashcards can be used in the classroom or as part of a lesson to help your pupils understand how others may be feeling. Each of these brilliant flashcards shows a picture of someone expressing a different emotion. Underneath each picture is an “I feel…” statement, to help learners identify the emotion being shown. As an exercise, you might try showing the flashcards to learners with the text covered, to see how well they can identify the different emotions shown in the pictures.

Emotions Simple Illustration Flashcard Sheets

These Emotions Flashcards are printable, easy to download, and user-friendly. They’ve been specially designed and approved by our team of qualified teachers to ensure their quality and relevance to your children’s education. They're perfect for early years learners, ASN pupils, or anyone who needs a little extra help understanding different facial expressions and recognizing feelings.


Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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