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Short o - 1st Grade Phonics


Short o1st Grade Phonics

Short o - Grade 1

The letter o stands for the short o sound you hear in sock and dot.

Short o is one of the five short vowel sounds in English. It is pronounced as /ɒ/ as in “pot”, “fox”, and “top”. Words with a short o sound usually have the letter o followed by a consonant, such as “hot”, “dog”, and “rock”. Sometimes, words with a short o sound have two consonants after the o, such as “lost”, “cost”, and “frost”. To practice reading and writing words with a short o sound, you can do some activities like cutting and gluing words to pictures, coloring words that have a short o sound, tracing and writing words, making words with letter circles, finding words in word hunts, listening and circling words, and matching words to pictures. You can also watch some videos and songs that teach you how to pronounce the short o sound and give you some examples of words with a short o sound.

Short o Activity - 1st Grade Phonics

Short 'o' Sound Quiz

Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which word has the short 'o' sound?
a) boat
b) hot
c) coat
2. Which word rhymes with 'hop'?
a) top
b) hope
c) soap
3. Which word has the short 'o' sound?
a) bone
b) gone
c) stone
4. Which word has the short 'o' sound?
a) poke
b) lock
c) joke
5. Which word rhymes with 'not'?
a) knot
b) note
c) boat
Mr. ‏El-Sayed Ramadan ‎ ‎


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