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r-Controlled Vowels

r-Controlled Vowels

r-Controlled Vowels Definition

When a vowel is followed by the letter r, they form a special r-controlled vowel sound.

Some r-controlled vowel sounds are:

  • the /ûr/ sound, as in shirt
  • the /âr/ sound, as in care
  • the /ôr/ sound, as in horn
  • the /är/ sound, as in march

r-Controlled Vowels Worksheet

A. Select the Word that Rhymes with the Given Word.
B. Choose the Correct Word with an R-Controlled Vowel Sound to Complete Each Sentence.


Q: What is bossy r? 

A: "Bossy r" refers to the phonological pattern in English where the letter 'r' influences the preceding vowel sound, causing it to be pronounced differently than usual. This pattern is also known as "r-controlled vowels."

Q: What are schwa r-controlled vowels? 

A: Schwa r-controlled vowels are vowel sounds that are reduced to a schwa (ə) sound when followed by an 'r' in the same syllable. Examples include the 'er' sound in words like 'her,' 'term,' and 'bird.'

Q: What should be taught after r-controlled vowels? 

A: After teaching r-controlled vowels, teachers may move on to other vowel patterns, such as vowel digraphs (e.g., 'oa,' 'ow'), diphthongs (e.g., 'oi,' 'ou'), or irregular vowel spellings.

Q: What is the rule for r-controlled words? 

A: The rule for r-controlled words is that the vowel sound is influenced by the following 'r,' resulting in a different pronunciation than the typical vowel sound. For example, the 'a' in 'car' is pronounced differently than the 'a' in 'cat.'

Q: What are the r-controlled vowel sounds? 

A: The r-controlled vowel sounds in English are:

  • /ɑr/ as in 'car,' 'far,' 'star'
  • /ɛr/ as in 'her,' 'term,' 'bird'
  • /ɪr/ as in 'fir,' 'stir,' 'bird'
  • /ɔr/ as in 'for,' 'or,' 'corn'
  • /ʊr/ as in 'fur,' 'curl,' 'hurt'

Q: What are the r-controlled vowel representations? 

A: The r-controlled vowel representations (letter combinations) in English include:

  • 'ar' as in 'car,' 'far,' 'star'
  • 'er' as in 'her,' 'term,' 'bird'
  • 'ir' as in 'fir,' 'stir,' 'bird'
  • 'or' as in 'for,' 'or,' 'corn'
  • 'ur' as in 'fur,' 'curl,' 'hurt'

Q: How do you teach bossy r (r-controlled) words? 

A: To teach bossy r (r-controlled) words, you can:

  1. Introduce the concept of the 'r' influencing the vowel sound.
  2. Provide examples of r-controlled words and have students identify the vowel sound.
  3. Practice reading and spelling r-controlled words.
  4. Use multisensory activities, such as writing the words in the air or with different materials.
  5. Provide opportunities for students to sort words based on their r-controlled vowel sounds.
